• New Food Podcast, Cornuco…
    • June 14, 2017 8:52 pm
    • Check out Cornucopia - The Cult, Culture and Business of Food, a new podcast with NBN's Matt Levine and Jeremy Spiro-Winn. Fo ...
    • GE Salmon Update:Target S…
    • May 31, 2013 5:16 pm
    • As reported in Food Safety News Target is the latest retailer to sign a pledge to not sell genetically engineered salmon. The ...
    • Grist’ Story Offers Insig…
    • May 13, 2013 6:43 pm
    • Context is everything. Half-full or half-empty? All or nothing? White or black? New York Mets or New York Yankees? (Okay, for ...
    • Monsanto’s Man in the Sen…
    • April 21, 2013 9:43 pm
    • Mother Jones details the previously mysterious Senator who added a rider to unrelated legislation protecting Monsanto and the ...
San Francisco Green Festival November 9 & 10;  Don't Miss It

San Francisco Green Festival November 9 & 10; Don’t Miss It

There are so many reasons to attend the Green Festival in San Francisco this weekend that we’ll spare you a long read and tell you “for crying out loud just get there.”  Or said another way the recession has our underpaid editorial staff making money elsewhere.  The catering company’s gain is our loss.  Let’s hope […]

Monsanto Abandons GMO Efforts in Europe

Monsanto Abandons GMO Efforts in Europe

As reported on July 18, Monsanto has abandoned its efforts to introduce a variety of GMO crops in the European Union.  Read the story from The Telegraph here. An unnamed source quoted in the story,  “pointed to the fact that the EU has not approved a new GM crop for cultivation since 1998, adding that it […]

Seattle's Mayor and Whole Foods Debate Fair Wages and Benefits;  PCC Shines Bright in Debate

Seattle’s Mayor and Whole Foods Debate Fair Wages and Benefits; PCC Shines Bright in Debate

We’ve written about fair wages here often and NBN was glad to read about Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn’s battle with Whole Foods.  A controversy has emerged over the Mayor’s lack of support for efforts to open a new store in West Seattle because he believes that the non-union (our adjective, not his) retailer is likely to drive down […]

Michael Pollan and Two Other New York Times Stories You Need to Read

Michael Pollan and Two Other New York Times Stories You Need to Read

Three stories in the New York Times you shouldn’t miss. Sunday May 19 the newspaper’s environmental reporter Eileen Rosenthal looks at whether its time to ban plastic bags.  A great story that combines personal anecdotes everyone can relate to with details and terrific graphics about the huge and unfathomable mess bags are creating.  Of course […]