Pepsico Shocker! Taylor’s Tonics & Prometheus Springs Unite in Hostile Takeover of Pepsico; CEO Indra Nooyi to Remain
NBN EXCLUSIVE: In a shocking announcement Taylor Peck of Taylor’s Tonics and Lex Mincolla of Prometheus Springs announced their hostile takeover of Pepsico, the 2nd largest food and beverage company in the world. The two men, dubbed “the brashest bon vivant bad boys in beverages” by Maxim magazine were uncharacteristically subdued at a press conference […]

Grist’ Story Offers Insight for Organic Industry Spats between the OCA and OTA
Context is everything. Half-full or half-empty? All or nothing? White or black? New York Mets or New York Yankees? (Okay, forgive that last comparison but if you lived in my brain, you’d understand). Seriously, despite my degree in political science, my passion for policy debate (okay, arguing) and my progressive political DNA I can’t […]

Lawsuits Over ‘Natural’ Claims More about Predatory Lawyers Than Consumer Clarity
If you haven’t been following the details about the many lawsuits against a slew of food giants ranging from General Mills to ConAgra and Pepsico you might be mistakenly excited over a new era requiring honesty in food labeling. Yet most of these have less to do with consumer rights and more to do with […]