Grist’ Story Offers Insight for Organic Industry Spats between the OCA and OTA
Context is everything. Half-full or half-empty? All or nothing? White or black? New York Mets or New York Yankees? (Okay, forgive that last comparison but if you lived in my brain, you’d understand). Seriously, despite my degree in political science, my passion for policy debate (okay, arguing) and my progressive political DNA I can’t […]
Obama Loves Honest Tea Forest Berry
So we know this is old news but frankly we were just so busy preparing out soon to be launched Product Review section that we forgot to post this story from the May 28th New York Times. The front page piece detailed the job of Reggie Love, Obama’s assistant, and among other things, what Obama […]
Coca-Cola Buys 40% Share of Honest Tea
When we first heard the news that Honest Tea and Coke we’re merging we thought “Oh no, Coke will ruin them.” Then we reread the release and were relieved, learning that at least for now, Coke just bought 40%. Furthermore, we thought, who wouldn’t want the opportunity to grow their business with that kind of […]