Part 2 of The Original Urban Cheapskate Shops at Whole Foods Brooklyn
If you missed the first part of this semi-ongoing series (or should we say, with apologies to Homer, saga, find it here. Warning: if you read this over breakfast you might laugh so hard you’ll choke on your locally roasted Ethiopian Amaro Gayo. I solved the problem of cycling to Whole Foods by going […]
The Original Urban Cheapskate Meets His Brooklyn Neighbor, Whole Foods Gowanus. Part 1 of A Continuing Tale
It finally happened. I patronized the long-in-arriving Whole Foods in Gowanus Brooklyn. WhF-G has been scheduled to open in a lovely location at 3rd Ave and 3rd St right on the edge of the Gowanus Canal Superfund site since before I moved here almost nine years ago, so it was a bit of a surprise […]

The Urban Cheapskate: Goes to the Food Court
You may have heard of the Suburban Cheapskate. Well, long before that there was the Original Urban Cheapskate. Unfortunately, staff at this website misplaced the original UC column but managed to pirate the name. Now the Urban Cheapskate is back to correct the editorial oversight and advise: Accept No Substitutes! Recently, our Cheapskate was forced […]
The Urban Cheapskate: Shops at Manhattan’s Integral Yoga Natural Foods
Recently Your Original Urban Cheapskate went shopping at Integral Yoga Natural Foods to pick up some bulk mixed nuts, dried pitted prunes and wheat-free raspberry newtons. The mixed nuts are obscenely expensive, but he was going out of town for a few days and always tries to carry along something edible so he doesn’t starve […]
The Urban Cheapskate: Goes to the Brooklyn Farmer’s Market
Come September and it’s the height of the season at the Saturday Farmers’ Market at Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza. The place is absolutely aswarm with yuppies, all returned from wherever it is they go for the summer anyways. Indeed, quite the bumper crop. And there was some produce for sale, too. Your Urban Cheapskate recently […]