Green Cleaning Deal: Ecover Acquires Method
San Francisco based Method was purchased by Belgium based EU leading green cleaning products manufacturer Ecover on Tuesday. The combined company will be the largest green cleaning company in the world. Method transformed the Plain Jane green cleaning category with its trendy packaging and product colors, appealing to everyone from Martha Stewart fans, climate change deniers […]
Caldrea, Mrs. Meyers Bought by S.C. Johnson
As reported in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal on April 28, Minneapolis based Caldrea, makers of the highly successful Mrs. Meyers brand of biodegradable laundry, house and pet cleaning products was purchased by S.C. Johnson for an undisclosed sum. S.C. Johnson & Son, makers of Windex, Raid, Scrubbing Bubbles and Ziploc bags is the second […]
New York Times On Clorox Green Works
Maybe once again we expect too much from the media. But it seems like common sense that a piece in in today’s New York Times in a section called Greening Business discussing Clorox’ new Green Works line of soap and cleansers, would have to devote more than just give a mere passing mention to the company that started it […]
Clorox Goes Natural with Burt’s Bees and Green Works
NBN has had more than a few friends buried deep in Excel spreadsheets at Clorox Headquarters in Oakland, California and based on their experience we think that the November 2007 addition of Burt’s Bees to their lineup will do well. Everywhere we turn, there’s another Burt’s Bees display. The bigger question is, how long can […]