Free Bird Chickens Hit the Shelves
As regular readers know NBN eats the occasional Oreo, buys a late night Kit Kat now and then after a night on the town (translation: we’ve had too much to drink) and yes, though we don’t indulge very often, loves Fresca too.
Yet NBN has NEVER EVER eaten a chicken McNugget. Not McDonald’s or the local Greek diner’s offering or even Health is Wealth’s ‘cleaner’ frozen version.
So when we got a boxful of samples from Hain-Celestial’s Free Bird line of hormone and antibiotic free, vegetarian diet fed chicken products we brought in our designer, NBN’s Alan Stonebraker, to taste test with us. Mind you we only got the frozen so we can’t comment on the fresh poultry but the word from Alan and another taster is thumbs up.
The chicken nuggets tasted like poultry he noted adding that the texture was real, something he never encountered while eating the fast food variety. He gave them thumbs up and heartily endorsed them as a “great alternative to Ronald McDonald’s evil pleasure palace.”
Meanwhile yours truly enjoyed some breaded chicken strips and patties too. Both were tasty and something we’d heartily recommended to our non-culinary inspired friends.
As far as the buffalo style wings we passed. After all folks, NBN went to college in Western New York state where you order wings by the bucket and choose from 6 or 7 varieties of heat, including Triple Suicide. We knew we couldn’t give them a fair review.
The company has a wide line of products, fresh and frozen and in addition to the antibiotic free products offers a line of organic poultry as well. Check them out online but don’t tell my vegan or veggie friends I sent you.
And while we’re at it, as someone with many vegetarian friends, NBN can’t help wondering if the irony of the name Free Bird was discussed when the brand name was created. After all if the birds were really free would they be heading for the dinner plate?