While this has very little to do with our normal range of stories, well, we just couldn’t resist passing this on. According to a story in Canada’s newspaper, The Globe & Mail, Wal-Mart Canada will begin selling sex toys, or what the retailer euphemistically refers to as ‘sexually well being products’.
As noted in the paper these products, while clearly related to meeting personal ‘needs,’ are more subtly designed sexual aids than what one finds in so called sex shops. Products have “organic swoops and lines, rather than veins and studs, they come in purple, clear and pearlescent white, instead of realistic flesh tones, and are sweetly named Ellipse, Luna and Little Gem, rather than the Hot Dogger.”
Since Wal-Mart steadfastly avoids selling controversial items, (unless of course its a gun) like the Pope avoids strip clubs, we wonder how long this will last. Most recently the retailer pulled Maxim, the cigar-smoking guy’s version of Cosmopolitan off the magazine rack. In addition it refuses to sell music with adult lyrics and adult-themed video games.
Stay tuned! Or should we say, we promise to keep you abreast of this issue.