NBN will have plenty more on the show of shows (with apologies to Ed Sullivan) but an early look tell us that they’re are more new products here than we’ve seen in years.
Additionally we;ve noticed lots of folks crowding the floor who we’re sure don’t know the difference between barley malt and Birkenstocks. In other words more and more business types are looking to ride the growing wave because natural and organic are even hotter than Barack Obama.Meanwhile the
Time Magazine cover story on why buying local is better than buying organic has been the topic of many conversations but no where near the news about Big Daddy Whole Food’s snapping up its little cousin Wild Oats.Next year look for us to host a party but this year look for NBN on the show floor and you can have a sneak peak (i.e. a hard copy version)of our list sure to gladden the hearts of some, madden the hearts of others.
Okay time to look for some digestive enzymes and head out to sample more new products.
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