Okay, folks: given our reputation among some as a cynical son-of-a-bitch, it might be hard to believe but we actually like Martha Stewart. Or said another way, we think she deserves a break. That she has gotten a bum rap, and more.
Even before her jail time for insider trading—something we think so many Hedge Fund masters that do the same thing regularly were laughing at—we’ve thought that all those stories about her being a tyrannical slave-driving Martha the Mothra-like monster were misguided. Just a combination of jealousy, misogyny and the fact that for a lot of us, she made everything that we hated from the constraints of our childhood seem so charming again, which is infuriating.
Anyway, our fair trade friends at Alter Eco had the good fortune to have Martha use their purple jasmine rice. Watch the video and get inspired to give the blonde demanding diva a chance.
Of course, like all those lifestyle shows, we wish she had more features on socially responsible shopping. But hey, we’re from a blue state, have a bleeding heart and not enough cash to spend it on lots of consumer goods.
C’est la vie!