In case you don’t read the New York Times the allure of the Times Sunday Magazine is akin to the magic of St. Peter’s to a nun. People save it for months; refer to it at cocktail parties, dinner dates and board meetings. They are stacked by the pool house in the Hamptons, and revered for the Sunday puzzle in the back.
So hats off to the folks at Honest Tea for their PR bonanza this past Sunday when a story about their marketing efforts in the July 3rd edition of the magazine.
Rob Walker’s CONSUMED column covered Honest Tea’s appeal and market strategy. While the column seemed less than interesting to a grocery geek like me, I will bet you all the bagels in Brooklyn that the story has people stocking their summer homes and city apartments with cases of the stuff.
Memo to buyers at Zabar’s, Dean & DeLuca and the Food Emporium: Stock up on Honest Tea